- $1,497.00SGD
- (Retail Price $0.00SGD)
The year 2012 on the Western calendar is also Jin-shin, the 29th year of the 60th sixty year cycle in the Chinese traditional calendar. In honor of this event, Platinum Pens is producing a special limited edition fountain pen, Maki-e Black Dragon in the Dark. The Chinese character connected means a birth of life. It is also the ninth Chinese character. And from ancient times in China , the number nine is thought of as very important and special, in part because of its closeness to the number 10, which is considered best.The nine is used sometimes in China, for example there is the Kowloon Area in Hong Kong City, which means Beyond the Sky or End of the sky, and very famous word,which means king or power itself. In honor of this anniversary year, which comes just once every sixty years, Platinum Pen is producing a limited number in just 150 pieces of the Jin-shin Black Dragon in the Dark fountain pen.The image of the dragon rising to the sky is represented on the fountain pen by Maki-e technique.