3776 MAKI-E
- $807.00SGD
- (Retail Price $0.00SGD)
Using traditional techniques and gold-leaf (Kanazawa- haku), Platinum has put together the Kansawa- haku fountain pen “Fujin Raijin”. A gold leaf has a thickness of one ten thousandth of a millimeter. This thickness can only be obtained after beating and extending the foil using a beating machine. The sheet of gold leaf will then be broken down into fragments and later pasted piece by piece. The profoundness of the pen is portrayed through the pasting of the random pieces of gold leaves by hand. The portrait of Fujin and Raijin (the wind god and thunder god) is exquisitely portrayed in the masterpiece. The popular complete air tightness, “Slip and Seal Mechanism” is used on the pen. Also, the nib of the pen is a 14K gold nib which can be used either the converter or cartridges.